Macrogen BRCA1/2

Macrogen BRCA1/2 testing is a next-generation sequencing test that searches for mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. It is best suited for individuals with either a history of early onset breast or ovarian cancer or a strong family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer.

Cancers occur due to various causes, but some cancers are caused by genetic mutations of specific inherited genes. People who have such cancer-related mutations have far more risk of cancer than others. Hereditary cancers are caused by gene abnormalities inherited from parents, and the incidence of cancer in the same family is high. Thus, early detection and identification of the exact cause through gene diagnosis is required.

Cancer Risk Prediction Test

Cancers have various causes, but some cancers are caused by genetic mutations of specific inherited genes. People who have such cancer-related mutations have far more risk of cancer than others. Hereditary cancers are caused by gene abnormalities inherited from parents, and the incidence of cancer in the same family is high. Thus, early detection and identification of the exact cause through gene diagnosis is required.

BRCA 1/2 Gene Test

All areas of the BRCA1/2 gene, which is the representative cause of hereditary breast cancer, are analysed to diagnose a person’s risk of breast cancer. Mutations in the BRCA 1/2 gene greatly increase the risk of breast cancer.

Cancer Cause Discovery Test

The Cancer Cause Discovery Test tracks the cause of cancer and provides important information for personalised cancer treatment by analysing various mutations of major genes involved in the occurrence of cancer, using DNA extracted from the tumour samples of a patient. Cancers used to be classified in a histopathological manner, but now gene analysis is performed on cancer tissue and cancers are divided into detailed items according to the gene mutation, which contributes to improved response (about 75% of patients exhibit different effects when the same anticancer drug is prescribed) and provides personalised treatment for cancer patients while minimising adverse effects.

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